Economic Development

Regional Setting

The City of Hastings is committed to helping our community thrive. The city works closely with the Barry County Chamber and Economic Development Alliance to promote long term economic growth in the City. The City of Hastings has transferred ownership of properties in the Industrial Park in order to stimulate growth in manufacturing and industry that provide high paying jobs for residents. Hastings City has also sold land to developers who are creating new housing opportunities within the city that support people in broad income categories.

Hastings has a robust industrial and manufacturing base as well as a complete selection of retail, dining, service, and professional businesses. Hastings is served by a top-rated health care system as well as an attractive school system. In June of 2000, the State of Michigan created a Core Community designation that allows designated communities incentives with new housing developments, redevelopment of obsolete facilities and development of contaminated properties. The City of Hastings is one of 148 Core Community designated municipalities in the State of Michigan.

The City’s Community Development Department is available to assist developers, property owners, business owners, and investors with all areas of planning and zoning, site selection, and incentive possibilities. The Community Development Department serves as the first point of contact with knowledgeable staff that will facilitate projects from preliminary review to occupancy.

Incentives and Tools that have been used in the city to promote economic growth include:

  • Brownfield Plans
  • DDA Façade Improvement Grants
  • Façade Improvement Loans
  • Tax Exemptions and Abatements including:
    • Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption (PA 198)
    • Commercial Redevelopment District
    • Commercial Rehabilitation District
    • Neighborhood Enterprise Zone
    • Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT)

For more information about potential incentives, click on the link to the right or contact the Community Development Director.


Offices: M-F | 9am – 4pm

Police: M-F | 8:30am – 4:30pm