Hastings Riverside Cemetery

The Cemetery Operating Fund was created as the City assumed ownership and operation of Riverside Cemetery. The Fund is used to account for all matters relating to the management, maintenance, operation, and improvement of the cemetery’s physical properties and services to current and future holders of burial rights.

The maintenance and operation of the Cemetery’s physical property are administered by the Director of Public Services. Personnel and equipment from the Department of Public Services, including the Equipment Fund, are utilized for maintenance and other operations within the Cemetery. Contract service providers are also utilized to perform selected maintenance activities.

Sales of burial rights and the records thereof, both current and historical, are maintained by the Clerk/Treasurer’s office. The Clerk/Treasurer’s office also maintains all records of the capital assets of the Cemetery as part of the City’s general records of such assets.


Offices: M-F | 9am – 4pm

Police: M-F | 8:30am – 4:30pm