Hastings City Clerk/Treasurer

The City Clerk/Treasurer’s office is responsible for financial management and transaction processing for all City and City-affiliated funds and all record keeping pertaining to the official records of the City.

All minutes, resolutions, ordinances, and official actions of the City Council are recorded and filed. All minutes of open meetings, adopted ordinances, codes, and other documents for the City are available to the public for general information and for purchase of copies as required under the Freedom of Information Act. The office is responsible for all publications and public notices for the City.

The Clerk/Treasurer plays an active role in administering the human resources function of the City. This includes recording keeping, liaison with fringe benefit providers, enrollment and dis-enrollment of employees from fringe benefit plans, and participating in collective bargaining.

The Clerk/Treasurer administers and oversees:

  • Financial and accounting systems
    • Payroll
    • Cash management
    • Investments
  • Water and sewer billing
  • Tax and miscellaneous service billings
  • The issuance of licenses and permits
  • Collection of outstanding receivables
    • Including taxes
    • Water and sewer charges
  • Elections
  • Collection of civil infractions
  • Maintaining insurance and bond policies
    • Including filing related claims


Offices: M-F | 9am – 4pm

Police: M-F | 8:30am – 4:30pm